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Lisa Arora is the creator of BIG Time Visual & the Big Beginnings in Visual Mediation Course. Lisa helps mediators and third party impartials improve their visual communication skills so they can be FAR MORE EFFECTIVE at resolving conflicts.


Waaay back in 2003, I got introduced to visual communication in a board meeting where the facilitator we hired to run our retreat mapped our conversation on giant sheets of paper in real time. It was pretty neat to see, but what really rocked my world was witnessing how much it neutralized the conflict dynamics in the room and improved communication (this board had its issues). I was totally hooked!

I spent the next 10 years studying how to use live interactive visual methods in group dialogue. Honestly, I had absolutely no idea how to draw when I began. Sure, I knew how to lead group process, but I was starting from complete scratch with no drawing skills, no clients and no experience as an entrepreneur.

I spent a decade figuring it all out and it wasn’t easy. I studied with the best in the field, I mentored, I researched, I practiced and I tapped into the secrets and methods of visual practitioners around the globe. I dedicated myself completely to building a business in visual facilitation and rose to the top. I was flying all over the world, visually mapping all kinds of high level business meetings, making multiple six figures. I began teaching organizations around the world how to leverage the power of visual communication in their meetings and work processes. And I wrote 3 industry best practice guides.

My visual meeting strategies have helped organizations all around the world tackle a wide range of deep-rooted and cutting-edge issues.

A thousand times over, I saw how when people could literally see what they were saying, it had a catalytic effect on the conversation and ultimately improved decision-making. The idea of writing stuff down is so simple, yet the impact on collaboration is so profound.

Then suddenly, I found myself facing an unforeseen divorce. We attempted to mediate.

Naturally, it was one of those stressful situations where emotions were running high, and although my ex-husband and I were in the exact same conversation with our mediator, we somehow both walked away with different understandings of what we’d decided on. The agreements we thought we had made later fell apart simply because none of us (me, him, the mediator) could agree on what had been said.

With my background in visual facilitation, it was obvious to me that if we’d written our thoughts out on paper while we were having the discussion, we’d have known for sure we were on the same page – literally.

That’s when I became passionate about combining the power of visual communication with mediation to make the process more effective and easier for everyone involved.

I went back to school to become a certified family mediator. I saw instantly how mediation of any kind could be better with visual communication. I developed my own visual mediation tools, I tested them, tweaked them and began discovering the nuances of how to use my visual skills in situations where people are in dispute.

In every mediation I’ve ever conducted, I’ve seen the same thing…VISUALS WORK! They clarify, they guide, they serve as a record and most importantly they are a thinking tool for your parties in their mediation when they are making life-changing decisions.

Along the way, I met countless mediators who felt they lacked the skills and confidence to even write the mediation issues on a flip chart.


And then I realized, I was destined to bring visual communication skills to the field of mediation in a BIG way.

While there are other expert visual practitioners who offer general training, none teach visual communication in the context of dispute resolution…and there are big differences to pay attention to.

That’s why I created the Big Beginnings in Visual Mediation course. It’s the only place you can learn visual communication skills nuanced to mediation.

So am I sharing this with you because I know working visually in your mediations will differentiate you in a growing market of mediators – open new doors for you, bring new business, and increase the value you bring clients. YES!

Do I know it’ll put you on the leading edge of evolving, innovative mediation methods and make the process of mediation easier, and as effective as possible for everyone involved? YES!!

Do I know that by working visually you will better serve people in conflict by increasing engagement in mediation, empowering them more to participate and better supporting their decision making. YES!!!

And right about now are you saying “yah, but…” because you think you can’t draw?

That’s whoohaw. I’m here to show you what’s possible.

Did I once start there too? I did. And I made plenty of mistakes along the way. I can tell you, I do not have artistic superpowers. It’s all about developing your visual communication skills in a step by step way. If you’re already a mediator or process professional, I can teach you exactly how to become a visual one.

My entire career changed as a result of applying visuals to mediation. When you know what to do, YOURS CAN TOO.

Mediators from 30 countries around the world are tapping in to the power of using visual communication in their mediations resolving conflicts in business dealings, families, and workplaces. These mediations are better because the parties can actually see they’ve been heard, they understand faster, they have more trust in the process and it’s easier to stay focused on the future they want.

Helping people see their way to a better future. This is really why I do what I do!

That’s the story to date, but it’s only just getting started…there’s room for you to become a part of it and I’m so excited you’re here!

Lisa Arora


Learning about visual mediation is so refreshing and something new that I can tangibly incorporate into my everyday work! It’s inspiring, challenging, and refreshing. Thank you for such a brand new perspective – very exciting!
California Judicial Council Mediator

Thank you so much! You’ve inspired me to develop my own practice. These are fantastic new ideas I can use in mediation. Lisa is amazing and what I learned about visual communication will be extremely helpful in my mediations.
California Judicial Council Mediator